I had a great time today with the camp corec and Mrs. Chen today. Baked cookies, went to J8, played arcade, had ThaiExpress, watched National Treasure, chilling out at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, walking aimlessly around with Amelia until we got home.
The last day of the year. Somehow it just seems weird.
This is probably my last post. I'm sorry that it ends so abruptly, but thanks for all the people reading this angsty scandalous boring weird blog. You people brightened my year.
I probably wouldn't be posting anymore. But one thing I know is that things change. And you never know. Maybe I'll come running back with lots and lots to write about when school starts? Perhaps.
2008 seems definite yet uncertain.
Well please ask me out to outings xP I think I'll need the break sometimes.
I've been signing up on lots of things. Just to make sure I commit. And I hope I can let go of 2007's miseries and carry all the fond memories towards next year.
Not really into resolutions, but there you go: to be less wilful, selfish and individualistic.
Would I stick with it? Heh. I don't know. I'll try.
And I know this post is so fragmented that I can't bear to post it, but just let it go. I'm sorry it might have to end this way, and I'll blog if I can, but really, thank dudes.
Don't be emo and cry okay! x) Okay. Signing off.
signed, jiasheng
Tag replies.
Yao Nian: Assault santa! That would be the next big conspiracy! Kids stealing from santa!
>> Or kidnapping him and demanding a ransom from the world.
QIFANN: MY COMP IS BACK! and yes amelia's a cow 
>> Then you'll be the bull. xP
relmo: o.o santa will be going down chimneys with four body guards next year.
>> I cannot, with my all my imaginative 14-year old mind, conceptualize that. Ridiculousness aside, it is physically impossible xD
chloe: ooo you like long hair
xinyuan: haha well i've got to agree with you on the post about your haircut, i've been having bad haircuts for as long as i can remember. ):
>> At least you don't look like a dork. Dorks despise me.
jovina: YOYOYOYOYOYOYOY. im bored.
>> OY OY OY OY OY OY OY don't spam my board. I can see that.
Yao Nian: God! You were at Goodwood Park? I was like just opposite at Goodwood Park Hill for camp!
>> Camp? What a coincidence x)
Nothing much happened. The parade was stupid. I went high for just about the last time in 2007 fighting with Sean because he sprayed my deo into my bag so I was just wrestling with him to spray him back. In the end I bent my specs and we both smelt of Adidas Ice Dive.
Guo Xin just asked me how to say "You are a cute girl" in Japanese. Then a moment later, Yao Nian asked me what's the meaning of "Anata wa kawaii onanoko da."
Outing tomorrow, if nothing crops up. (Which I have a feel something will.)
signed, jiasheng
I woke up (I don't understand why I must always start with reporting my waking time. Or why no one complains about it.) at around 2 am 'cause I hit the pillow at 8 plus. I think.
Sectionals yesterday was tiring. I mentioned to Edwin that taking outdoors is really tiring. Then he just said, "Now you know." on MSN like I was some complaining whiny toot (which I was, but still). I stiffened and said okay. Then he added a smiley face to alleviate the tension, but who cares. I didn't reply him.
Then farewell. Then window shopping with weiqi (along with pronunciation lesson of the shop names and getting engrossed in the Guiness World Records). Plenty of customary crap. Details go read his blog xP I'm too lazy, really.
I went to sleep. And woke up. At 2 something. I got myself some cold milo (milo + cold water + ice) which is becoming my favorite drink if I can't get Snapple or Iced Peach Tea. Then continued on The Kite Runner while uploading the pictures. I read it till now. Which is 10 minutes to 7. The sky is lightening. It's gonna be a tiring day because I have to go early to memorize scores and then the ceremony thingy. Standing.
I don't feel like posting photos. Boohoo. But I'll just do it. For ye faithful readers.

The place we went to. If you look closely it says Goodwood Park. Or something. It looks a bit clock-towerish. And creepy like vampires would fly out of it at night.

Wilson owns the parking place, literally.

Red carpet and gold rims. And see the warped dimensions? It's because we were crying at the thought of seeing the sec4s leave and the tears in our eyes blurred our vision. (Actually I took the picture hurriedly before we left and moved too fast so. Yeah. Heh heh.)
The rest are mostly black and white pictures for nostalgic qualities x)

Edwin with his super formalish shirt and serious-looking specs. And some bunch of random sec4s (why is luther staring at the camera like that.)

Yu Xin who wore the uniform to the buffet. And Yikun showing his boyish side to the end with the aid of the PSP.

I managed to get an interesting angle photo with Yaze and and his hypnotic swirl glass thingy.

Hmmm. What a suggestive symbolic posture. Y'know, like the seniors will always look down after on us?

Random people laughing. No I did not blur the faces on purpose. My phone doesn't happen to have anti-shake, that's all. So don't blame me. The other photos are like that too. x(

Perkies gaming.

Fang Xu and his enormous appetite for otahs.

Is Siao scratching his head? Bald spots? Oh noes. Sean Lim had a nice shirt on though, and for once that jacketwhore didn't wear any jacket.

Criminal evidence of weiqi vandalizing my drawing! He was doing it all day. Adding cat ears and emo messages on my self-potrait. x| I'm too embarrassed to post it up.

Zong Xian likes to read.

THE ACT CUTE PICTURE OF THE YEAR. Look at Jason's expression.

He's making a statement. The statement says, "Me. I am available on, and I am desperate." Jason is obviously making a gestural dig at him.

Now he's disrobing. See? I should sell these pictures to the NY girls like I've told Siao.

PSP club.

I find it amusing that someone has to act emo.


And again. And Edmund seems to be a little too near Glendon's face. SCANDAL ALERT.

Yikun with PSP.

More PSP club members gather for the biannual competitive showdown of players.

More handheld playing devices. Siao was posing at the camera before he gave up because I took too long. Hey, I'm trying to capture candid shots!

People. Luther has a pout.

YES! Finally got a nice photo with interesting angles and someone smiling naturally.

Trombones section photo.

Random people.

Flute Section photo.

I wonder what's Derrick pointing at.


Yikun with his mini Tee.

Saxas giving gifts.

I think Weiqi is staring at the pink tofu he was talking about.

Jia Chen - the leader with lotsa people behind him. Just literally, of course.

People. And a decent shot of Edwin.

Me: 1... 2... Hey Yikun you spoiled the background!
Darrell: Hey come and take with us la.

Me: Cheese!

Yu Xin V-ing.

Sec4s and a very self-conscious Ah Lim.

I find it amazing that Liang Sai managed to look persecuted and accusing at the same time.

Gluttons getting the buffet!

Walter: Ooh let's get this this this this...
qfnn: Uh...
Zong Xian: Wah Walter don't take everything!
Huiyao: *ignores and takes food swiftly and effectively*

Sorry I had to resize so if Bo Dong looked skinnier or fatter, it's not my fault. I am immune to lawsuits.

Jiexuan and Jason.

Trumpet Section photo. Luther still refuses to smile.

Euphonium Section photo (incomplete). Stop rubbing it in that we don't have a senior to send off. And I'm not in the picture because I look like crap.

Walter! Getting xth servings.

Snuggly, snuggly.

Perkies. PSPing.


Siao is sitting there oh so lonely and forlornly.

Tee Zhuo and Edwin in the same photo! With Tee Zhuo looking... uh. Like an effeminate monk. And Siao is still sitting quietly in the background.

Shake it up, man! (No actually Weiqi is using a vibrator. =x)

Zong Xian is a camwhore.

A certified one.

Aik Hwee with his yo!yo! yoyo V-ing thingy. Random clarinet people.

Heart-warming pic with Liang Kun smiling. And Eugene camwhoring. (Can I call that? Because he didn't take it himself.)

More clarinet.

More. qfnn have been sticking with that pose for who knows how long. Hello, variety!

Pedophile caught in the act! Look at the poor junior with his sad emo there's no hope, I'll just submit to him look and bufan's thrusting hips. And holding his head somemore. In public.

I'll end with a random photo of the sewage. I mean the ice-cream.
signed, jiasheng