Thursday, August 30, 2007
4:31 AM

Song of the Season: Nobody's Home
Word of the Day: cajole \kuh-JOHL\, transitive:
To persuade with flattery, repeated appeals, or soothing words; to coax.

I've decided that in light of the recent revolution against advocative bloggers in my school, I will begin writing about people figuratively. So you might be a teacup, a bird in the sky, dog excrement, or even god. I wouldn't tell. (But it'll be pretty easy to guess.)
On one hand, I want to start the post about this arijigoku because I told Weiqi I want to flame him very much but since my chem module exam is in three hours, I shall not. Later, maybe.
Anyway, a full confession before I go shower and prepare myself for the insane day of chemical equations and dragon boating later.

"I, Lin Jiasheng, of Euphonium section, confess to have had played the extra solo note (2Anatural) at dynamic forte after the band had finished with the National Anthem on 29/8/07 because I was distracted and thought there was a repeat, thus resulting in a potential beration from Mr. Hon."

Ouch. But wish me luck.

signed, jiasheng

Monday, August 27, 2007
10:02 PM

Yep I'm in a blogging mood today so I shall blog more.
Actually, it's because of the bad news I saw on Qifann's blog. Jiexuan got off the hook. Awww.
(Thus, you can call me sadistic/whatever-you-can-say-and-I-don't-care)
Y'know, I really really wish Mr. Hon would reverse the decision and expel him for good. I don't know why I'm so evil but I'm just that. 2 more years!
Well I just finished collating uniform information so tomorrow shouldn't be too much of a screwup.
Then again, Murphy's law reminds me.
Well. In any case, I'm currently in a cold war with my mum so she just sorta do her stuff and I do my stuff and we don't talk at all.
Oh, there she goes shouting again.
I should really talk to Zhengyu.

signed, jiasheng

9:17 PM

I'm being so utterly disgusted by my conversation with the stupid idiotic imbecilic retarded anarchic freakish monstrous hideous vain insufferable inexorable moronic ignoramus, LZ.
It was supposed to be a nice little short inquiry (so I can close the window asap) so I unblocked him for just a tiny fraction of time. But alas, all hell broke loose and the demons from his hell were unleashed onto the world.

jiasheng; don't accept any files from me xD; said:
omfg are the majors going for the corvid tmr?
[c=3][b][/b][/c] pls prove me rite... said:

[c=3][b][/b][/c] pls prove me rite... said:
i think so
[c=3][b][/b][/c] pls prove me rite... said:
if not whos gonna take charge?
jiasheng; don't accept any files from me xD; said:
(isn't this kind of thing decided earlier on? strange.)
[c=3][b][/b][/c] pls prove me rite... said:
i dun think we nid?
[c=3][b][/b][/c] pls prove me rite... said:
u dun nid 2 prepare 4 us
[c=3][b][/b][/c] pls prove me rite... said:
u r not obliged 2 of coz
[c=3][b][/b][/c] pls prove me rite... said:
so dun sound like u r the boss
jiasheng; don't accept any files from me xD; said:
no, i just find it weird that a person of such, what, high authority has no concise knowledge about this kinda things
[c=3][b][/b][/c] pls prove me rite... said:
let me tell u again
jiasheng; don't accept any files from me xD; said:
how do i dare to challenge you, oh, no, no.
[c=3][b][/b][/c] pls prove me rite... said:
we r not taking part in the vido thing
jiasheng; don't accept any files from me xD; said:
that's exponentially better. why thank you.

I seriously, totally hate him. Fine, I started the fuse, so the fault lies with me, but again, just look at what he writes. (Maybe he's so dumb that he dictates someone to type for him. No, no, it.)
The big thing about this is that I was going to be nice and tell him nicely and y'know, "thanks for your help, maybe I'm mistaken about you, sorry..."
And how stabbed I feel when he bit back with "so dun sound like u r the boss". I'm supposed to be all zenish and calm but I just couldn't help it when he said that.
I like to fantasize about splashing him with potassium dichromate VI and watching him dissolve into a puddle of slop. Hopefully one day it happens and I shall laugh till I cry.

signed, jiasheng

Sunday, August 26, 2007
2:34 AM

Just couple of updates before I venture into the great internet world at night with everyone in the house asleep.

-Brave Story is only an okay movie, but if you're into japanese/anime movies, hey, go for it. On a side note, the seats at Cathay at so comfortable that you can actually fall asleep during the climax.

-I completely FORGOT wq's birthday. Well I didn't know at all. But the weird thing was I was saying some random stuff that someone gratiffi-ed on the bridge when we were going home and I was saying "tanjyoubi omedetou~" because the thing scrawled on the bridge was "Happy birthday". So! Weiqi, you can't blame me. (You did hear it, right? I said...)

-Nah! Shall get him a belated's prezzie anyway.

-Uniforms! I'm mad with the corporate vid and Namly park thingy again. Hoho, let's go. It's another wild ride.


signed, jiasheng

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
10:19 PM

These few days have been disturbingly emo.
I guess it all started with the Ong Teng Cheong drama show because I stumbled into the terraces after the drama ended at about 9pm. The terraces in hwachong is notoriously dark because it's almost devoid of light sources and of course, one of the most reputably haunted places at night. Somehow, the dark was comforting. And the night was cool. A breeze was breathing across the field of grass, dodging the goalpost, ignoring the track poles.
Then I started to cry.
Crying for the realization that I was so utterly alone in this vast expanse of grass and cricket-calling, the soft glow of far-away lights and the deafening emptiness howling in my ear.
Crying for how I felt so abandoned and left out in everything I wanted to be part of.
And crying at myself for being so weak and having no resistance to a tiny blow like this.
I must have looked terribly, if not phantom-like, some weird guy crying in the school field at night.
Then there was this morning, when I was told by Zhenyang that he had a message from Jiexuan addressed to me. Apparently, I've heard enough from Sean to assume that Jiexuan is finally kicking me out of the group.
I took about 10 seconds to recompose myself, smile back at Zhenyang and acknowledged the message. Then I took the whole morning to think.
Do I want to stay in? Definitely not. I have no reasons to.
Jiexuan... Huiyao... I hate those people now. (People? Are they people?)
So? What of it?
The only way to react to an attack, is to... counterattack, isn't it?
With a sinking feeling in my heart, I prepared my speech on what to say when I meet Steven Su later. Yes, I don't like them, so I feel great countering them. I should be overjoyed that they have finally made their move so I could do this. Enthralled, elated, exhilarated.
I should be happy, shouldn't I?
"Is Jiasheng here?" Jiexuan asked passively.
(Why? Concerned that I would run?)
"Yeah," Huiyao replied with an equal passion.
(Sure. Lock me in chains. )
Jiasheng trailed along after them.
(Slow, my heart. Make sure you present your point convincingly)
"Mr. Su?" Jiexuan enquired. Mr. Su looked up from his table. With fatigued resignation, he put down his work on hand.
"So, this is the group which wanted to see me? Jie Xuan?" (
Ah, the trial starts.)
"Lin... Jiasheng?" ("Bring in the accused.")
"Are you aware of the situation?" Mr. Su asked, seemingly for the pure sake of asking.
Jiasheng pondered for two seconds, and answered curtly, "I would like an answer,"
"You mean you don't know why you're here?" Mr. Su almost looked confused.
"I would like an answer," I repeated firmly.
(Yes, be in control here.)
Mr. Su's glassy eyes were glazed over for a moment, then he said, "Your group leader here wants you out of the projects' day group."
(Oh, what a shock. What surprise.)
Jiasheng let the fear and uncertainty and all the negative feelings flow over him and let them go. Only when fear goes will sagacity come. 3 seconds. 2 seconds. 1 second.
"I see," Jiasheng said coolly.
"So? What is the situation? Do you know why they are placing you out?"
"I would like to hear from... them." Jiasheng marvelled inwardly at his drawl.
"Well then. The team leader.. Jie Xuan, can you please tell him?" Mr. Su was perhaps caught between reacting to such a student in his life and his professional instinct to keep things in check.
Jiexuan still held his largely-emotionless stance, just a flicker of thought when his name was caught. He seemed to recite from a script, "Because he has not been doing anything for the team and the group members have come to a decision that we do not need such a member in our group. Furthermore, he has not turned up for the finals."
"And what about you?" Mr. Su beckoned to Jiasheng, whose subtly delighted expression betrayed him a little.
(You're not the only one with a script, damned one. )
"My point is, I've been mostly uninformed about the current situation of the group's progress. Sure, I admit most of my absences are unfounded, but I see no further effort and initiative from the rest of the members and most importantly, the group leader. Furthermore, I was sick at the finals, as I've explained to the members. Sick, as in sick of malice and indifference. Thirdly, sure, I have no objections for withdrawing me from the team, but I think it would be fair for them to kindly also withdraw their group, due to the fact that the initial idea was thought up of by me, and the same applies for the group name. It is, after all, my intellectual property. Hwachong students wouldn't do to plagiarize, would they?"
("And I rest my case,")
Mr. Su was rather silent when he listened through this crafted prose, and threw Jiasheng off-course with, "Are you usually the rebellious type?"
Jiasheng chortled mentally, and said," Not conventionally."
"In any case, is what he said true?" Now he addressed the sullen figures outside the little cubicle, "do you agree?"
Silence means consent, then.
Jie Xuan broke it, "When we received his sms, it was phrased as in 'the story shall be that I'm sick'. We didn't know what it actually meant."
(Ah, this complete his idiocy.)
"When I composed the message, I meant it in.. (taking a sideward glance) a very sarcastic way. I
am sick. I am sick of their malice and indifference." (I realized, I did not even want to look into their repelling faces.)
"Go to your mentor. He would work out your differences." Mr. Su suggested.
"No," Jiasheng rejected, "I suggest you strike me my name off. It would solve their problem and mine."
(I've said what I wanted to say. Now it's time to go.)
After a long lecture, Mr. Su concluded, "I still want you to go to your mentor."
Jiasheng gave a parting shot to his group, "I would speak to you later,"
Then he strolled off swiftly into the crowd.
No one is eternally loyal.
Especially oneself.

signed, jiasheng

Monday, August 20, 2007
5:42 AM

You know what? Let's not do something today.
Let's not be emo today!
Let's not hate people today!
Let's not be hated by other peopl-
Never mind.

signed, jiasheng

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
9:13 PM

Tada! Somehow issue 3 turned out quite nice.
Well. After all, it is done during P.E, recess, Chinese, History... you get the point.
Today was rather shocking for me because I just realized I had a free day.
A FREE DAY. How weird is that? I thought those days with no activities after school don't exist anymore. So it was like watching an exciting episode of News5, tonight. Or a not-super-funny episode of POTEMAYO.
On the subject of videos, here's a little youtube video I read about on 8days.

Was just visiting wq's blog and realized how emo he has been lately and I've totally been ignorant of it. So here's some ranting to cheer him up xP




I wonder how's the band convention.

signed, jiasheng

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
4:21 AM

Uh it's a little mixed up and I'm too lazy to fix it. Read the bottom one first. As usual, feel free to download it and share xD
(I'm turning real proud of my works. Though they look like some 3-year old's drawings.)

signed, jiasheng

3:57 AM

Song of the Season: Unfaithful (Rihanna)
Word of the Day:
bellicose \BEL-ih-kohs\, adjective:
Inclined to or favoring war or strife; warlike; pugnacious.

I've returned to nihonjyugyo. Jap class. Finally. After 3 weeks of absence.
I heard from my classmate that Sensei thought I was quitting. God forbid. I guess I never should have skipped classes because of band. And band. And more band. Class was okay I guess, just that I got a 3/20 for my matome quiz. But otherwise it was a bit surreal.
Speaking of band, the band convention people should be rather tired now. In fact, I've not heard from them. But all the best.
Nothing much to say actually, just that I've decided to devote at least 1 hour of my day to draw and 1 hour to write. And blogging goes into the writing.
So. Here's yesterday's and today's comic of the day. (I have a feeling this blog's becoming a comic blog.)
I'll upload later.

signed, jiasheng

Sunday, August 12, 2007
2:22 PM

Hey hey... so here it is, Cholestrol Man, comic edition.
I must say I'm quite disappointed on how it turned out. It's not what I really wanted, but it'll have to do I guess. No point wasting more of my sunday. I need to catch up on procrastination.
Anyway, story credit goes to Mark. I've shamelessly took his text-based comic (yes, laugh at him, not me). Cholestrol Man issue 2 and 3's already out. You may want to read it on his blog.
And for those people who are lazy to read, here's the text-based version I've (again) shamelessly plagiarized.

"issue number 1!ok so in the first panel. some rather fat guy stands there stoning like all comic strip characters do when they first appear.he's probably going to say something stupid..oh there it is!" cholestrol man!" -biggrin-no wait, stifle ur laughter, the punchline hasn't come yet!in the next panel, cholestrol man..or so he claims to be, is ravaging through the contents of a refrigerator.where the refrigerator may have come from is entirely up to you, the reader, 's, imagination, just like all gd comic props are.maybe it just materialised. anw, tt prob has to do with antimatter and positrons and stuff tt only omy wld know.and maybe cheewee.oh look, cholestrol man's saying sth!"i need food to satisfy my cowcow stomach"well.ok. next guys must have expected cholestrol man to pull out sth reasonably edible from the refrigerator, this being a sensible, down-to-earth comic and all..and just as patrick star would have it, you, the reader, is/are right!so cholestrol man appears to be holding what seems to be a bunch of electrons circulating in an elliptical manner.oh wait, it's just an egg.and the panel's all sparkly and the last panel cholestrol man ingests the egg!or so he would have done, if the egg didn't fly straight up to his cranium the moment cholestrol man tried to force it down his oesophagus.he's got this painful look on his face..prob died or sth.well, so wld anyone who had an egg in their brain, i this comic's anw now the egg's at the highest point of cholestrol man's body.eng tchers call this the pinnacle.math tchers call this the stationary point of inflexion. yea wtv.probably the result of inverse peristalsis, you, the reader, might think..but there's a hidden message behind all this..oh yes, all stories and political cartoons have those hidden somewhere.yea so uh, eggs are high in cholestrol."

okay I've no idea why it turns out like this because Mark has very delightful and suspenseful pauses instead of this big chunk. that's why I would suggest going to his blog :D

In any case. Happy reading and scratching your head.
Posted by Picasa

signed, jiasheng

Friday, August 10, 2007
1:44 PM

Well.. anyway. Just a little comic snippet I've drawn. Happy trying to make out the words. (I think you can click on it if you can't read clearly.)
Posted by Picasa

signed, jiasheng

12:39 PM

Post count: 100th
Song of the Season: How to Save a Life (The Fray)
Word of the day:
\dy-AF-uh-nuhs\, adjective:
1. Of such fine texture as to allow light to pass through; translucent or transparent.
2. Vague; insubstantial.

I've been catching up on my procrastination - generally mucking around the house, lying on every surface possible, dreaming of all the nonsensical stuff that I miss, hanging around cyberspace with no one to talk to and no one to initiate conversations, reflecting a bit, ignoring my work as usual, going for my piano lesson (and failing miserably in left-right hand coordination), going on insane cycling trips following two daoish guys from Toa Payoh to Yio Chu Kang, and finally I've decided to blog.
By the way, this is my 100th post, counting all the secret posts that I drafted. Tell me if you want to read those. But if you're Zhengyu, Luther, Lionel or me, most likely all the scandalous things you would have read already.
Anyway, I was supposed to write a detailed story on how the crazy uniforms things turned my life up-side-down but I've suddenly decided to forget it. It's too painful a memory. (And no, not because I'm lazy to.) If you're interested, just know that I've:
1) Ponned 2 days of school
2) Slept an average of 4 hours a day
3) Stayed overnight in school 2 times
4) ran around Bugis and now know it like the back of my hand.
5) Got niaoed by Lawrence Siao directly or otherwise. He is now my most hated instructor.
6) Refused (irresponsibly, but not regrettably) Liu Zhen's pleas to help him sew his beret.
7) Got into a snappish mood with at least half the people in the band
8) Recognize Yong Jie as my favourite major (shocking, but anyway, true enough)
9) Almost got disowned by my mother. But after my superb coaxing, she's practically my maid now. And I'm guilty about it.
10) Got my fingers pricked about a thousand times by needles so sharp that they draw blood
11) Cried at least 3 times
12)Decided that after I settle all the loose ends in this UIC business, I'm quitting and concentrating on my studies.

That's about it, I guess.
I have new things to pursue. Dreams to reach and touch. Life's too short and Jiasheng's too much of a procrastinator who always have too many things to do.
So. That's the end.

signed, jiasheng


19th Sept

hit me again


it takes a while for this section to load x) a long while.

discuss/disgust me
blah, the cbox gives the game away.

what i click

Chin Seng
Zong Xian
Zong Chen
Zhengyu or
Zhengyu or
Bo Dong
Qi Fan
Tee Zhuo
Po En
Jie Xuan
Yong Yao
Bo Jun
Bo Xiang
Our Gid
Chen Fang
Guo Wei
Qiu Wen
Weng Guan
Yi Jie

old stuffs

August 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0