Here's my Chinese blog:
Relink if you want.
By the way, this blog is going to be converted into some sort of column which will be updated at least once a week, once probably on Sunday.
So expect satires, humor, stuff like that.
On the other hand, the chinese blog will have more daily stuff. Like my boring life.
So. You people don't really miss out on a lot if you can't read Chinese.
signed, jiasheng
Today, following my Dad to work, where he drives a bus, we went to Mandai Crematorium and Columbarium.
He was supposed to take this Indian family to there, and back to Siglap later where there are rows and rows of bungalows. At first I thought it was just a routine trip to the zoo or something, but when I noticed almost all the people were donning white suits, I asked and found our destination.
When we reached, it was a serene place, where crickets chirped noisily against the tranquil background of silence, where it was surrounded by the beautiful Seletar Reservoir and where it was built with soothing earth tones, with sandy boulder walls and simplistic design.
Actually, it's quite a scenic place. I would strongly suggest any photographer to go take a look.
In any case, there is an atmosphere of peace, as though it was a nursery room, not a place where they roasted dead bodies into soot to be stored in a pot.
And another thing I realize - I need to be more smart about my dressing. No, nothing's wrong alright, I look perfectly normal in a Giordano T-shirt and short combination, and if you take notice that it's spring season now and I look just great in green, there's no reason I shouldn't wear what I did. But one thing for sure - Giordano has got to stop printing Stephen R. Covey's stuff on their T-shirts.
Like, 'Begin with the end in mind.'
Which, if you don't recall, is an extremely stupid thing to wear in a crematorium.
Perhaps it might explain my permanent arm-crossed posture throughout the whole journey, for fear that some provoked person might hack me into three thousand pieces out of grief.
I remember the only time I had to staunchly do that was the time I lost my prefect badge in P3 and had to cross my arms high so no one would notice.
Which, suffice to say, looked pretty ridiculous.
I mean, being stupid is one thing, and looking like that is another. In the former, one still can be excused, for a person's cerebellum capacity is largely hereditary, but in the latter case, looking dumb is a sin condemned by all who are fashion-orientated.
I mean, even those Indians had gorgeous white gowns and U2000 white, pure, simply wonderful flowy shirts - so why can't I get the same?
I know, I know, it's pretty shallow of me to talk about funeral attire when people die and it's supposed to be a time of sorrow. (Yes, I did see sobbing. I did feel sad. What I did not, was to uncross my arms.)
By the way, I have no intention of causing racial disharmony - I have absolutely nothing against them. In fact, I'm quite marveled at how they can be so strong after a loved one died - only a old woman teared in public - and of course, guiltily, admittedly, how they can look so great in mono hue.
I heard from my dad that those people were supposedly from a rich family and the person who died owned some hotel downtown.
Oh well. He still had to die. So will the poor.
Death, the greatest leveler? "We are all equal six feet under,"
Bull. Death isn't the greatest leveler. The Great Singapore sale is. We all get the same chance of grabbing that Louis Vuitton bag.
signed, jiasheng
I'm too tired to type my wonderful day, so I'll feed you a quote I remembered long ago, from The Teen Titans! (It's a cartoon by the way.)
"There will always be people who judge you by how you look, where you're from, or even who you are. It does not matter. It's those people around you who care for and love you that are significant. Those are the people who truly matter." -- Starfire
Does a lot of people in my life matter?
Sigh... doubt so.
signed, jiasheng
I'm feeling emo again.
(Oh wow, no surprise.)
But anyway. Last day of holiday. The camp has been like a painkiller for me. Now I've weaned off it, the harsh realities of life crashed back like a boulder on jelly.
But anyway, it was really great these three days, getting to know people with shared interests, laughing at their and my lame jokes, jumping around Toa Payoh, getting frustrated, getting scolded, stoning, accessing leadership issues, and a lot of thinking.
Still, I'm emo. Partly because, but least of all because I skipped band practice. It's the significance of the pon that I'm afraid.
Am I that fickle to switch interests so soon? Especially when I promised, swore, that I'll bring band back to glory.
Am I? This is so contradictory.
(Anyway, don't talk to me about it, I'll think it out myself.)
And there's the issue of passive/active leadership.
Active leadership - the act of a person being in a position of authority and leading his/her followers while being actively aware that he has the initiative and responsibility to do so.
Passive leadership - An individual leading his/her followers not on a basis of an authorized position.
Usually, active leaders get the most recognition, and can tap into resources easily and therefore are effective in organizing a passionate group. Passive ones, colloquially we call them 'popular people'.
I realize what kind of leader I am.
The part-time kind. -grins-
Yeah, I realize that only now. Let's have an analogy. I'm a piece of steel. I am a good conductor of heat. Therefore, I heat and cool quickly. So when heat (adversity) approaches, I react (switch into leading mode). When it diminishes (peace), I cool back into a cold hard lump of metal( I stone.)
So basically, you either get 'Jiasheng rocks!', or 'He stones.'
Yeah basically, that is my leadership personality. Might explain my fickle nature too.
Haha I think I'm the only person who describes himself as a piece of steel. Oh wow.
Alright! I'm start typing in sub-standard (aka my usual nice lengthy posts) again next time. So I'll go back to stoning, drawing eagles, designing tees, booking chalets, homework, poster, emails, prepare for scoldings, eating, drinking, being emo, sleeping, recharging, analyzing, reading forums, composing songs, the rest.
Wish me luck.
signed, jiasheng
D3f1n3 Your World [sai.kang warrior]
A workaholic who goes to extreme measures to get a task done.]\
I'm going to type like a dyslexic cat on a keyboard again, so, again, bear with me, as I have
1 Report to type out
1 Summary to do
approx. 2 hundred words to analyze. ONE BY ONE.
Whatever. Ohkay today we went to a lot of places to interview people. And a lot of times got kicked out of their shops.
Then we got to secretly and openly shoot people (With a camera! Well actually it was the photography people)
Anyway it was very fun! (Oh I noticed this post and the previous has shown me to be a complete vocabulary idiot. Still. FUNFUNFUN.)
Tomorrow band!
And guiltily, I feel like skipping this incredibly important rehearsal. Like Xiao Bin is planning to.
Of course. I'm not. -takes a moment to feel proud of myself-
Just that I'm totally immersed in this TXY thing.
Am I sacrificing band...?
Whatever. I like this thing. And band. So.
I suffer from fatigue!
And not to mention I just ran around half Toa Payoh to analyze... food names.
Outdoor games tomorrow! Shi2 zhi4 lu4 kou3
Heart band. Heart TXY. Heart myself for being so complex and being able to take on so many things.
Go me! (That's me, as in I, myself. Not, Gomenasai,(did I type the furigana properly?) sorry in Japanese. )
signed, jiasheng
Now I'm rushing for time so pardon me for typing in atrocious language below. If I have the time I'll fix it later (but probably not, so bear with me).
As in. Yesterday. I went for the first (out of 3) day for the 通讯员(txy) camp! It's super enjoyable.
First of all, I'm in 群鹰(QY)!The groupings are so cool ohkay. It's like:
So in short 天凌群锐摄漫
Btw, the eagles are reporters. I think the other two you should know. xD
Then we started off with ice-breakers all that. My poor shirt got marked with black markers x( but still uber fun.
Then the talks boring. But the indoor and outdoor games fun!
x( 群is the last out of the 4 eagles in pts.
But nvm! I shall pull it up xD
Still, I can't go for the third day. Darn.
Oh yes, I did something important that day also.
But tell u ppl another dae.
I heart TXY! heart heart QY!
(Lol I'm too high to type properly anyway.)
signed, jiasheng
Thy guilt is a great thing...
The good and bad news is it doesn't affect me. Wow. That probably means I can kill a person remorselessly. Bad.
Anyway, in a last ditch attempt to do something this whole free day (Tuesday, that is) I bought some materials for the war collage supposed to be done by this holiday.
That is, a black A5 paper, red paint for blood, and a silver marker.
And I spilled some of the red paint on my hand, so I looked like I've sliced up my thumb.
I don't feel like blogging properly.
Then there's this thing about Lz. Somehow he tags some stuff on the cbox, then doesn't leave a reply to continue. So it's always a cliffhanger with him. And the most recent was some gobbledygook which I think no one can decipher except him.
Thus it has led me to several conclusions:
1) He's loony now. (Uh... according to ZY that is... but I don't think so.)
2) He's bored. (Highly possible. Nothing seems to interest him for long.)
3) He's being lame. (Likely, since I crap at him often. Revenge.)
4) He's sad. (Not likely, but I included it just in case since sometimes when I'm depressed I'll leave little hints at tagboards and see if people would notice.)
What's that supposed to mean? I'm no cryptologist.
yoaarinbyyompsy? Hmmm. Fail.
taonittvbuit? Fail.
symphonybinary? Fail.
Oh whatever. I'm not wasting time on him. I'll just get tired and freaked out.
There are many things that I'm tired of.
I'm such an escapist. I fancy a time where I can just hop into a convertible and drive off into the sunset, into unknown lands and glittering seas and swirling deserts and breath-taking cliffs...
Yes, I'm ranting again, sorry.
And I do realize that my points are getting scattered again.
I don't really care too much about that this post. Oh I remembered, one thing I want to mention.
Some people are interesting.
And I only discover that when I struck upon their interesting traits and abilities.
For example, do you know that Da Xian is a talented photographer?
Or Khee Xuan could sing well (Actually we knew that long ago, but still. Proven well.) ?
Or Sylvia and Isaac could read Webdings?
Or Xiao Bin and Yang Fan are good in Chinese?
I never knew.
It's only when you stumble across the things you don't know that you discover the things that you lost, yet you never knew.
To be haunted by absence. Coveted knowledge of a person you thought you know inside out. The hidden grins, the secret smiles. The unknown losses and gains, the loves and loathes you pass by and forget.
Sometimes what you don't know can become ghosts, lingering around.
Can we cope with ultimate knowledge?
I've received a card, saying, "Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past, wisdom is of the future."
Basically, wisdom is what you learn from knowledge and how you apply it.
Still. Treat this as crap, and your life will still be the same.
And thanks.
signed, jiasheng
People Who Are Annoyed Because Of Me : Reason(s)
1) Huiyao : My sizist jokes.
2) Zhengyu : See above, +random enmity
3) JX : probably because he didn't go for Zhengyu's "Bday Celebration" and I did (o.O)
4) Most people : I have AP.
5) LZ : See above (I think he's AP-intolerant.)
6) Mr. Tan : I didn't do some work (that's how I got my B term conduct)
7) All the top operators of the school : I didn't do some stuff. Again.
8) My scab(fine it's not a person) : I keep picking it
9) My speaker (ditto above) : no idea, but it keeps dying on me
10) Bleach Ep. 116 (ditto again) : ditto above (it wouldn't load)
11) Random pcps6a2005ians : "WHY NO GATHERING?!"
12) My parents : I represent the exact opposite of a good son to them
13) Bill Gates : He obviously hates me for some random reason - that's why he wouldn't send me one of his 500+ billions
14) Ditto for the rest of the billionaires featured in the Richest People List.
15) Zhi Tao : Neither of us approve of each other.
16) My section seniors : They probably hate me for my guts and extraness.
17) My future children : I just know they'll hate for for a lousy parent I will be (hello - aren't I just 14?)
18) God (if He/She exists) : if He/She likes me there wouldn't be such a list in the first place. I'll be the all-around nice person who all the guys play basketball with and all the girl-head-turners.
Riiight. Well. Can't help indulging in fantasies.
Speaking of basketball, I scored 10 hoops yesterday!
(With no opponents and after what seemed like a million tries, that is.)
I figured that if I'm going to play basketball, might as well train to be a pro first. Then I can beat those people at their own game (literally).
And this morning I got sick of playing MapleStory again and went to jog.
And did 50 sit ups.
At this rate I think I can make a silver for NAPFA.
Oh yes - it reminds me for this little jingle we (Sylvia and I and Relmo I think) thought out of in P5 or P6:
Go for Gold!
Soar for Silver! (or something - I can't really remember)
Bolt for Bronze!
Oh well.
I'm randomly ranting again, for I shall think of more things to post when the cows come home from the moon.
signed, jiasheng
This shao post shao is shao very shao interesting shao because shao it reflects shao the shao obsessive shao need shao of shao teenagers shao to bond shao with shao their shao peers shao to shao the shao extent shao of shao grotesquely shao altering shao their shao grammar shao and shao vocabulary shao usage shao to shao form shao atrocious shao sentences.
Hard to read?
My point exactly. Seriously. Things I do to fit in the crowd. So much for individuality. So much for uniqueness.
Really, I know I'm a flexible person, but not to THAT extent. It's like blasphemy to language.
Grrr. I should stop complaining and start explaining.
Well, from the olden days of 2006 and before, there has been a slang subculture which includes a use of extreme sarcasm, Mandarin substitutes and the excessive use of 'shao' and, less commonly, 'duo' (little and much in Chinese).
Therefore, examples:
1)I shao get A1 ar. (I got A1)
2)Not lame... (Lame.)
3)A: Wah... you shao can juggle ar (you can juggle well)
B: Cannot... cannot... (Of course.)
A: aiya... 3 balls... duo difficult ar (How difficult can it be 3 balls)
B: Shao... (It's a lot okay.)
A: Duo... (It's not.)
B: Shao...
A: Duo....
And so on.
It's irritating. Seriously.
Free Bibles!
Yeah, I took one (no I'm not a Christian. It's called free choice of literary enjoyment.) but I'm not commenting. If I do (actually I did but I deleted it after seeing everything - it sounded rude) I'll offend people.
So better not say it out.
(And yes, I did return the unwanted Bibles back to the guy giving them out outside HCI. He thanked me.)
Well. At least Christians are nice people.
Oh Sad Birthday Zhengyu! (because 乐极生悲)
So sadder is better.
Whatever logic is that.
(Alright I see my points are getting scattered. So let's leave here.)
signed, jiasheng
I think I'm going through a personality change.
I might actually start to be nice. I'm serious. I know I've been a pretty mean person for nearly all my life (I made my classmates cry in kindergarten by saying her color pencils will break if she used them so forcefully with her fist-clenching artisan techniques.), and plenty of people hate me for my guts.
I've always self-identified as brash, out-spoken, insensitive, and crudely put, a loudmouth with a taste for sarcasm.
Therefore, too many people had suffered under this vicious tongue which lashes out like a red-hot poker, searing invisible scars on the heart I'm too dense to heal or even notice.
A recent example would be how my size-jokes (specifically directed towards plus-sized people around me, notably ZY and HY) infuriated them so much that I could feel the magnitude of their wrath radiating from them as I sipped at my strawberry milkshake at Macs.
And obviously, HY is so annoyed with me that he talks to me only by courtesy of the clique, so I'm left stuck between deciding an apology or an insult to injury. Regrettably, it's always the latter.
Maybe I should just stop my verbal spars (which I love so much, not unlike a die-hard smoker is addicted to tobacco) and drop all the daggered words clad in slabs of thick sarcasm.
Did I hear a mighty cheer arising all around?
I admit rather shamefully I do love poking fun at other people, without any feelings of enmity towards them. Of course, there are exceptions of people I truly detest (those are the people who get the full onslaught of insults) that I can unleash this oratorical blade, but even with those people I like, I say what I think is amusing.
Which, in most cases (I must say this defensively) are amusing, if not for the recipients' fury.
Should I just pick one? :
1) Be a all around nice person who pays at leasts three compliments a day and shuts up when he has nothing worthwhile to say.
2) Be myself and continue hurting people I like and love.
It's contradictory, isn't it? Will the people I like like me better without the sharp words, or otherwise?
Feedback. I need feedback.
signed, jiasheng
Alright, today we shall be telling the story of Jiasheng the good Samaritan!
Ohkay, this morning we had the first Saturday band practice (Thanks Zhengyu for unwittingly morning-calling me) and on the way to school, just arriving at HCI, I stopped in my track, at the bus stop.
In my path, there was this square piece of leather with the words 'Myuk' on it. Oh, and with some intricate markings too.
Fine. Call me retarted, out of fashion sense. It's a wallet. Now, we face an enormous moral dilemma. Should we (hang on, when did you become involved? Since you read this. Too bad.)
a) Leave the wallet as it is as band practice is about to start?
b) Pick it up and spend whatever money there is in it. (It DID look pretty thick.)
c) Pick it up and turn it in. (Yeah, right. Are you that good? Like the sec 4 guy in my school who picked up 450 bucks and turned it in. The person-in-charge of the lost-and-found must be laughing his head off at that fool.)
Hello, who do you think I am? I did not get called the all-around honest guy for nothing alright?
(Wait. When did I get called that?)
The point is, I did not spend the seventeen-plus dollars inside.
It appeared that it belongs to this guy called Jason Ho Hon Sum who's in J1 now. Judging from all the Pastamania, Cafe Cartel, Soupoholic, etc etc privilege cards in his wallet, plus his condominium card at Rafflesia, this guy's pretty loaded.
Not to mention his American nationality. Not that I fawn after auburn skin and golden hair, but somehow I have this image that all PRs must have Mercedes to drive and money too much to spend.
Of course, I realize that is a grossly huge generalization, but as Mr. Leng said, those JAH-KAH-TAH Indonesian merchants' scions live in mansions with several blocks and take 5 minutes to walk down to the gate.
Aren't I jealous.
Anyway, after rudely rummaging through his wallet, I thought he was from HCJC. But it turns out that he's actually from NJC (Is that Nanyang JC? Or National? I guess the latter.) when I checked his blog later. Lucky I didn't follow LZ's advice to throw it to the HCI office.
Lucky, I am.
(You'll find that statement funny when you check his blog. Or not.)
Speaking about his blog, I found him to be an extremely verbose writer too! Now, I shall prove to the world that I'm not in the minority of bloggers who blog in standard English. Fine, substandard English. But whatever. At least there are people in this world who capitalize every letter that deserves to be so. And people who don't include vulgarities liberally in their posts.
So that's why when I biked to Rafflesia, his condo, I rehearsed the speech on what to say. (Seeing his established standard of English, and his wishlist inclusion of Chinese getting better, I guess it's viable)
And on a random note, the security there isn't much of a strict one. I could just tell the security guy I was visiting the unit and he just let me in. With my bike.
-Fast-forwards to me standing at his door-
-pressed doorbell-
-door opened-
-some tall guy opened the door-
(Oh, whatever, I'm short alright? But there was a step up the door, and I wasn't standing on it, so naturally he appeared taller.)
Agree with me.
-you agree-
Thanks. It's nice to be obeyed.
-you: !!!-
(Sorry. I'm obviously in a lame mood now. Or you can say I'm in a Mark mood. Or I'm just making an allusion to Mrs. Khoo, tribute to her leaving ProEd to teach Ortus.)
-you: whatever.-
Back to the point, Jason seems... different. From his photo in his I/C. I thought he had the iSparkian look (y'know, the nerdy-smiley look.). In fact, I THOUGHT he was an iSparkian. It's funny when you know now.
Okay, in my opinion, with his height, he's really shuai. [as in, more good-looking than his photo.] Yar, even more shuai than you, Sean. (Wait, why did I say that? Firstly, that fink don't read this blog, secondly, he don't care. Oh well. Randomness strikes again.)
Not that I can say that because I suddenly became very interested in the dirt on my shoe. In fact, I was momentarily stunned when he said, "Who are you looking for?" in Mandarin.
(Ooh. So he's not living alone. Stereotype canceled. )
I dumbly replied, "Oh, is there a Jason Ho living here?"
(In English. What did you expect? From that point onwards, he continued speaking Mandarin, and I continued in English.)
Him, "Oh where did you find it?"
Me, "At the bus stop,"
Him, "Oh are you from Hwachong?"
Me, "Yar,"
Him, *some mumbling about asking people from there*
Me, "Oh... Ohkay,"
Him, "So... erm... yar... thanks. Bye,"
Me, "Yes... welcome,"
Then he closed the door.
Wasn't that weird.
But come to think of it, you can't blame him, because what do you say when you see this sweat-sodden (I was biking from home, it was quite near) guy who turns up at your doorstep giving you your lost wallet?
Who happens to be incredibly ugly, by the way.
What did I expect anyway? Him to invite me in for tea? Grovel before me to show his gratitude?
Oh well.
Anyway. Yup. I biked home. And ta-da. Here ends my story.
(My English's getting more atrocious by the post.)
signed, jiasheng
It hurts.
And hurts.
Especially when I've tried so hard, too.
signed, jiasheng